Congratulations to Bella Wu!
Bella has successfully obtained her Master’s degree in Mental Health Studies from King’s College London (KCL)! She will be working as a Clinical Support Worker at North London NHS. We are incredibly proud of her and wish her all the best in her future endeavors!
Congratulations to Rao Leiyi, Luna!
Luna will be enrolling in the Ph.D program in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at PolyU, focusing her research on epidemiology and biostatistics! We are so proud of you, Luna!
Congratulations to Evan Zhang Xiaoqing!
Evan has been admitted to the M.Phil. program in the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at HKU!
She will continue to be an active member of our ESP LAB!
Congratulations to David Kansakar!
David is offered the Lecturer position at Hong Kong Polytechnic University! We wish him all the best for starting an academic career in HK!
Congratulations to Skye Gao!
Skye's paper is accepted by the 2024 AMA Summer Academic Conference! AMA (American Marketing Association) is a leading authority in the marketing field. Big Congrats to Skye.
Congratulations to Rose Ng!
Rose passed her oral defense and her thesis is recognized as 'outstanding'! Big Congrats to Rose!
Congratulations to Rose Ng!
Rose successfully gave a presentation in an international conference (SIPS) in Germany. This is her first attendance to a conference. She obtained 5 BEST POSTER Stickers to her poster!
Congratulations to Teresa Hou!
Teresa is admitted to the Master of Applied Psychology programme in PolyU! we wish her all the best!
Congratulations to Winnie Poon!
Congrats on graduating with first class honour! We feel so proud of you!
Congratulations to Bella Wu!
Bella is admitted to the Master of Mental Health Studies in King's College London (KCL)! We wish her all the best!
Congratulations to Chloe Leong!
Chloe is admitted to the Master of Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies) at HKU! We wish her all the best!
Congratulations to Rao Leiyi, Luna!
Luna is now working in our Wofoo Joseph Lee Consulting and Counselling Psychology Research Center as a research assistant. Welcome back to LU, Luna!
Congratulations to Ying Lui, Joy!
Joy successfully won the HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship! Big Congrats to her!
Congratulations to Wong Yan Wing, Kristen!
Kristen got admitted to the Master of Social Work program in HKU. We wish Kristen enjoy her new life in HKU!
Congratulations to Rao Leiyi, Luna!
Luna got admitted to the MSc of Counseling program, City University. We wish Luna all the best!
Congratulations to Lin Yibing, Irene!
Irene got admitted to the CUHKSZ-HSS Summer Camp program for Applied Psychology. We wish Irene all the best!
Congratulations to Luo Zhenyu Bob!
Bob received an offer of Master of Science in Organizational Psychiatry and Psychology from King's College London. We wish Bob all the best!
Congratulations to Pui Chuen Tam!
Chuen just graduated with an M.Phil degree from Nagoya University (2022), and is now working with Prof. Hakwan Lau in RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Japan. Congrats to Chuen's great achievement!
Congratulations to John Ng!
John graduated with good academic results (and obtained an A in his Senior Thesis) and he just accepted the job offer as a Trust Banking Officer in a securities administration firm based in Toronto. John is able to secure a job within one month after he arrived at Canada.
We are happy for John's achievement and hope he enjoy his new life in Toronto!
Congratulations to Cherry Wan!
Cherry got accepted to the Ph.D program in the University of Sydney, Australia. We wish Cherry all the best!
Congratulations to Iris Chen!
Iris got accepted to the graduate school of the University of Manchester and the University of Bristol in the UK.
She chose to enjoy her new life in the University of Manchester. We wish Iris all the best!
Congratulations to Cherry Wan!
Cherry's manuscript based on her senior thesis is accepted by Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, a companion to the highly regarded review journal Current Opinion in Psychology (COPSYC: 2019 Journal Impact Factor 4.162, CiteScore 7.0) and is part of the Current Opinion and Research (CO+RE) suite of journals.
Wan, C., & Yeung, W. L. V. (accepted). A Socio-ecological Approach to Relationship Goals and Self-presentation Strategies in American and Chinese Online Dating websites. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology.
Congratulations to Kathy Chau!
Kathy got accepted to the Doctorate Clinical Psychology program at the University of Birmingham, UK.
She will start her new life in UK September 2021! We wish Kathy all the best!
Postgraduate Studentship (2021)
We have funding to support a postgraduate student (M.Phil/Ph.D) on a project related to placebo effect. Free feel to email Vicki ( for further information. Or visit this website.
Congratulations to Rainbow Lok!
Rainbow is admitted to the Master of Social Work program in HKU, 2021
Congratulations to Mariam Bibi!
Mariam received the Best Senior Thesis Award (2019-20).
Congratulations to Mariam Bibi!
Mariam received the Dr and Mrs James Tak Wu Awards for Outstanding Service 2019-20 (student award).
Congratulations to Rainbow Lok!
Rainbow successfully obtained the membership of Hong Kong Psychological Society, 2020.
Congratulations to Cherry Wan!
Cherry successfully got accepted to the 2019 Global-MINDS, European Master in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society.
Global-MINDS is a comprehensive 2- year study programme with 120 ECTS focusing on insights into contemporary social and societal issues from Social and Cultural Psychology.
Cherry will spend two years in Poland, Turkey and Ireland.
We wish Cherry a wonderful journey!
Congratulations to Tam Pui Chuen!
Chuen won the 2019 Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship!
This competitive scholarship is awarded to four recipients in 2019.
Chuen will start a new life as a research student in Nagoya University (名古屋大学) in Japan.
We wish Chuen a wonderful journey!
22 Oct 2018

29 July 2018

10 July 2018