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Selected Conference Presentations and Invited Talks


Gao, Y. X., & Yeung, W. L. V. (2024). Can mere possession of a consumer product boost your self-efficacy? A cultural perspective. The 2024 AMA Summer Academic Conference, Boston, MA.


Yeung, W. L. V. (2003). Unlocking the Power of Placebo: How Perceiving a Connection with a Placebo Analgesic Enhances Pain Relief. Invited talk at the International Lecture 3 in 1 Research. Psychology Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia.

Yeung, W. L. V. (2023). Possessing an inhaled placebo analgesic oil enhanced physiological pain responses similar to inhaling the placebo analgesic oil. Presentation at the 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine = From Local to Global: Behavior, Climate and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

Yeung, W. L. V., & *Ng, S. K. R. (2023). Perceiving a connection between the self and a placebo analgesic enhances placebo analgesia. Presentation at the 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine = From Local to Global: Behavior, Climate and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

Yeung, W. L. V., *Yau, E., & *Ng, J. (2023) Perceived possession of a fictious pain-reduction app induced positive expectancies. Presentation at the 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine = From Local to Glocal: Behavior, Climate and Health, Vancouver, Canada.

*Ng. S. K. R., & Yeung, W. L. V. (2023). Merely possessing a placebo analgesic with high (vs. low) perceived self-connection enhances self-resilience. Presentation at the 4th International Conference of the Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies (SIPS), Duisburg, Germany.

Wasiel, A., Yeung, W. L. V. & Krys, K (2023). Perception of Powerholders Predicts Different Societal Development Expectations - a three Culture Study. Presentation at the 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow, Poland.

Wasiel, A., Yeung, W. L. V. & Krys, K (2023). Power Construals Predict Desired Pathways of Societal Development – Three Cultures Study. Presentation at the 46th Annual Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 

Karakulak, A., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Al-Kire, R., ….Yeung, W. L. V. (2023). The Pandemic-Prejudice Link: A Test of Individual- and Country-level Moderators across 16 Nations. Presentation at the 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow, Poland.



Wasiel, A., Krys, K., & Yeung, W. L. V., (2022). Perception of power and desired societal change. Presentation at the Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Political Psychology Pre-Conference, February 16-19, San Francisco, CA, US.

Wasiel, A., Krys, K., & Yeung, W. L. V., (2022). Power in a good society: culturally sensitive perspective. Presentation at the Symposium "Creating the Worlds People Want to Live In".  European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 29-July 2, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Wasiel, A., Krys, K., & Yeung, W. L. V., (2022). Power in a good society: cross-cultural perspective. Presentation at the Congress of the Polish Association of Social Psychology, September 15-18, Gdańsk, Poland.

Syropoulos, S., McLamore, Q., Leidner, B, Hirschberger, G., van Bezouw, M. J., Rovenpor, D., Paladino, M. P., Baumert, A., Bilewicz, M., Bilgen, A., Chatard, A., Chekroun, P., Chinchilla, J., Choi, H.-S., Euh, H., Gomez, A., Kardos, P., Khoo, Y. H., Li, M, Légal, J.-B., Loughnan, S., Mari, S., Tan-Mansukhani, R., Muldoon, O., Noor, M., Petrović, N., Selvanathan, H. P., Uluğ, Ö. M., Wohl, M. J., Yeung, W. L. V., Young, K., & Zein, R. A. (2022). The Divergent Impact of Ingroup Attachment and Glorification on Responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic: Evidence from a Multilevel Investigation in 21 Countries. Presentation at the 2022 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. San Francisco, California, US.

McLamore, Q., Syropoulos, S., Leidner, B., Hirschberger, G., Young, K., Zein, R. A., Baumert, A., Bilewicz, M., Bilgen, A., Burrows, B., Chatard, A., Chekroun, P., Chinchilla, J., Choi, H.-S., Euh, H., Gomez, A., Kardos, P., Khoo, Y. H., Li, M, Légal, J.-B., Loughnan, S., Mari, S., Tan-Mansukhani, R., Muldoon, O., Noor, M., Petrović, N., Selvanathan, H. P., Uluğ, Ö. M., Wohl, M. J., Yeung, W. L. V. (2022) Conservatism, Trust in Science, and Coronavirus, in the U.S. and Across the Globe. Presentation at the 2022 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference. San Francisco, California, US.



Yeung, W. L. V (2021). Physical possession but not psychological possession of a placebo enhances placebo analgesia. Presentation at the 3rd International Conference of the Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies (SIPS), Baltimore, United States.


Sadia, R., Siu, O. L., & Yeung, W. L. V. (2020). Traffic Safety Attitudes and Neurotic Personality Trait: Mediation Analysis for Risky Driving. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Meeting, New Orleans, United States.


Yeung, W. L. V, Geers, A., & Colloca, L. (2019). Testing if and when the mere possession of a placebo analgesic cream enhances pain resilience. Paper presented at the 2nd official Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies(SIPS) Conference on placebo studies. Leiden, The Netherlands.

David, R., & Yeung, W. L. V. (2019). Apologies for historical injustices and psychological responses to them. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting on Law and Society. Washington, DC.

Yeung, W. L. V (2019). Would merely possessing (vs. using) a placebo analgesic enhance analgesia? Invited talk at Kyoto University, Japan.

Murray, A.B., Pertiwi, Y., Faasse, K., Gyasi-Gyamerah, A., Haegele, G., Helfer, S., Kleinstaber, M., Minza, W.M., O’Brien, K., Ocansey, R.T., Oikawa, M., Papp-Zipernovszky, O., Patria, B., Seligman, L., Yeung, V., Young, C., & Geers, A.L., (2019). A cross-cultural study of affect and engagement in physical activity. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.


David, R., & Yeung, W. L. V. (2018). Apologies for historical injustices and psychological responses to them. Sociology Seminar Series, 2018-19: Contemporary Korea Workshop. Lingnan University, Hong Kong.


Baranski, E., Members of the International Situations Project ∆, & Funder, D., (2018). Volitional Personality Change Across 58 Countries. Paper presented at the 18th annual European Conference of Personality in Zadar, Croatia.

(∆ Vicki is the member of the International Situations Project)

Gardiner, G., Baranski, E., Funder, D., & Members of the International Situations ∆, (2018). How reliable are average personality scores across countries? New evidence from the International Situations Project. Paper presented at the 18th annual European Conference of Personality in Zadar, Croatia.

Yeung, W. L. V., Chan, P. Y. C., Lun, M. C. V., & Chan, E. (2018, invited Convener). Mere ownership of a self-centrality object enhances one's perceived self-efficacy. Paper presented at the 24th Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Guelph, Canada.

Yeung, W.L.V. (2018). Mere ownership of a self-centrality object enhances one's perceived self-efficacy. Paper presented at the Sun Yat-sen University, China.


Yeung, W. L. V. (2017). I own therefore I am: mere ownership enhances self-efficacy. Invited talk at Department of Behavioral Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.


Yeung, W. L. V, Geers, A., & Kam, S. (2017). Merely possessing a placebo analgesic reduced pain intensity: Preliminary findings from a randomized laboratory design. Paper presented at the 1st official SIPS Conference on placebo studies. Leiden, The Netherlands.


Yeung, W. L. V., Loughnan, S., Kashima, Y., Lun, M. C. V., & Yeung, S. S. S. (2016).  "The self being endowed the property of the owned object". Paper presented at the 28th APS Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, USA.

Chan, P. Y. C., & Yeung, W. L. V. (2016). ‘I am lucky!’ An illusion induced by the mere possession of a gemstone product. Paper presented at the 28th APS Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, USA. [Media Mention]

Yeung, W. L. V., (2016). "The clothes maketh the man: The reverse mere possession effect". Invited public lecture at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, USA.

Yeung, W. L. V., (2016). “When my objects become me”. Presentation in the Block 6 seminar at Colorado College, Colorado Springs, USA.

Yeung, W. L. V., (2016). A “pre-cebo” effect in pain analgesia: Mere possession of a bogus analgesic cream reduced self-perceived pain intensity” invited presentation at School of Nursing, Pain and Translational Symptom Science, University of Maryland Baltimore Center to Advance Chronic Pain Research, University of Maryland Baltimore, Maryland.


Tan, C., Yeung, V., Paoli, T. D., Loughnan, S., & Krug, I. (2015). The effect of objectifying media images on eating pathology: An experimental study comparing Australian and Asian females. Australia and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED) Conference: Riding the Waves to Recovery, 21-22 August, Surfers Paradise, Australia

Tan, C., Yeung, V., Paoli, T. D., Loughnan, S., & Krug, I. (2015). The effect of objectifying media images on eating pathology: An experimental study comparing Australian and Asian females. European Congress of Psychiatry conference. Vienna, Austria, 20-31 March

Yeung, W. L. V., (2015). Why people with high IQs do not always succeed? Seminar on the Information Day, Lingnan University.


Yeung, W. L. V. (2014). The empirical findings of precebo illusion. Invited speaker at the colloquium series of the Cultural and Social Psychology program at Department of Psychology, Korea University, South Korea.

Yeung, W. L. V. (2014). The precebo effect. Invited talk jointly organized by Department of Psychology and Brain Korea 21 Plus program, Chungbuk National University, South Korea.

Yeung, W. L. V. (2014). Psychological impact of mere possession. Invited speaker at the Social Psychology Colloquium. Nagoya University, Japan.


Yeung, V. (2014). The "precebo" illusion: How mere possession of an object leads to perceived benefits without consumption = "プレシボ"イリュージョン : 物を (消費せず) 持つことのみで,知覚された効用はどのようにもたらされるのか? Paper presented at 2014年度第2回名古屋社会心理学研究会, Nagoya, Japan.


Siu, O. L., Siu, C. N., & Yeung, W. L. (2013, May). Relationship among energy activation strategies, work engagement, and job performance. Paper presented at the 16th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress 2013: Imagine the future world: How do we want to work tomorrow? Muenster, Germany.


Loughnan, S., Leidner, B., Kashima, Y., Doron, G., Tong, J., & Yeung, W. L. V. (2010, July). Humanity across cultures: a six nation study of conceptions of humanity. Paper presented in the Symposium on culture and humanness, at the XXth International Congress of Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Melbourne, Australia.


Yeung, W. L. V., & Kashima, Y. (2008, July). Culture and Stereotype Communication: Are people from Eastern cultures more stereotypical in communication? Poster presented at the 19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Bremen, Germany.

Yeung, W. L. V., & Kashima, Y. (2008, April). Culture and Stereotype Communication. Paper presented at 11th International Lab Meeting: Identity and Social Representations: Cultural and Mythical Dimensions, European PhD on Social Representations & Communication, University of La Sapienza, Multimedia LAB & Research Center, Italy.


Yeung, W. L. V., & Kashima, Y. (2007, October). Culture and Stereotype Communication: Are people from Eastern cultures more stereotypical in communication? Invited talk at the 1st International Workshop, the Center for the Sociality of Mind, Department of Behavioral Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.

Yeung, W. L. V., & Kashima, Y. (2007, April). Culture and Stereotype Communication: Are there Cultural Differences in Stereotype Communication? Invited talk at the Social Action Lab Meeting, Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Yeung, W. L. V., & Kashima, Y. (2007, February). Culture and Stereotype Communication: Are there Cultural Differences in Stereotype Communication? Invited paper presented at the Social-Personality Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

Yeung, W. L. V. (2007, February). Cultural Psychology: Conceptual foundation –structural approach. Invited talk at graduate seminar, Psychology Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

Yeung, W. L. V., & Kashima, Y. (2007, January). Culture and Stereotype Communication: Are there Cultural Differences in Stereotype Communication? Poster presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Memphis, Tennessee.


Yeung, W. L. V., & Kashima, Y. (2005, April). Communication of Stereotype-Relevant Information and Communicative Intention. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), Wellington, New Zealand.


Lau, I. Y-M, Chiu, C-Y, & Yeung, V. W-L. (2003, February). I Know What You Know: Effects of Knowledge Estimation on Message Construction and Comprehension. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting (SPSP), Austin, TX.

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